Who are we

Founded in 2018 by a couple from Algeria, Nassima and Benyoucef, MYDATTE is a company specializing in the import of organic Deglet Nour dates from Algeria.
Nassima is from Biskra which is the largest date producing region in the country and Benyoucef being in the food sector in Quebec, we immediately noticed that the majority of dates presented to customers on the market were dry and that the Deglet variety Fresh food is virtually unknown to the general public in North America.
As we ourselves are the owners of a few palm trees in the country which allow us to produce for our family and with the knowledge we have in the field of phoeniciculture, the idea arose in our heads to launch a business which would allow to make known the fresh Deglet Nour date from Algeria, especially that from the Tolga region and also the pitted Deglet Nour date.

Concerned about protecting the environment, our health and that of our children as well as our peers, at MYDATTE we have opted for organic dates because it is what best corresponds to our values.
We are passionate about the Deglet Nour date from Algeria, and we have embarked on this project, it is a kind of return to the sources for us. Beyond the commercial side, there is a nature to preserve, people to feed healthily and an environment to safeguard.
We cannot help but think of these thousands of women and men who live through and for phoeniciculture in the Algerian Sahara. Each date consumed in North America helps perpetuate ancestral know-how that we consider to be a heritage of all humanity.